And you talk shit about other people's work?
I had been reading your reviews on other peoples work, and it seems you think you are quite the Flash pro. So I decided to see what work you had made that makes you this pro. And when the game started off it looked interesting, even a bit promising. But then it all just fell apart. I can deal with a hunchbacked stickmen if the gameplay makes up for it.
This game could have been 10x better made with some actual effort put into it. There was no detail, no realisim, no AI worth killing, no thought put into this, no nothing. The people that gave you even moderate scores with "I hope you improve" notes are just doing it out of sympathy. But unlike them I have no sympathy for smart asses that produce shit Flash games.
Your what 17? Your still in high school, you have plenty of free time. Invest it in actually putting some effort into your next peice. And until you can back up the shit you say else where about animations that are actually good, get off your fucking high horse you little kid.