Another great addition to the series
I don't agree with "everyone else", and I don't see how a small string of recent reviews is "everyone else" but anyway. Madness has always been about the violence and the body count. The plot has always been a mere tool to get Hank where ever he is going. And I am not suprised some of you are bored of the violence. Lots and lots of random killing is not for everyone. So even the people that probably liked a few of these, it may have gotten old. But that doesn't make you the majority.
I see an average of 9.60/10 , so you people giving it 7's and 8's aren't obviously the majority. It is expected that people come and go as fans of a series, but don't try to make it sound like EVERYONE shares the same view. There are many people that at the end of the day of working/going to college/going to highschool/what ever you just want some good mind numbing entertainment. And Madness is just that. And I don't know how anyone can say its rushed. Obviously you don't know how long it takes to make a quality animation (besides the fact he stated in the Alpha's how long he has been working on it).
And to the ones that say "He didn't do anything new" you obviously don't remember the old episodes. Besides Depredation that took place mostly outside, they all were in the same generic building. This one took place on a train, in 2 buildings, and outside. Also he is always keeping the deaths fresh by getting creative with how they die. This is done by using new weapons etc too. Was nice to a FN-P90 also finally make an appearance. But then again to most they don't see this.
So yes its random violence, yes there is fresh content to it, and no I hope he doesn't change what he is doing. The only time I wish for Kirnkles to stop is if he gets tired of making these. If your not enjoying what your doing then, yes move on to something else. Until then keep up the Madness!